June 8, 2009

Hard Lessons

This book reviews Iraq reconstruction experience from mid-2002 through the fall of 2008. It seeks to fulfill the congressional mandate to provide "advice and recommendations on policies to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness" in programs developed for Iraq reconstruction by providing after action review and reflection, rather than a detailed audit of problems. The report includes a chronological history of the reconstruction program discussing the challenges that security concerns presented, the dramatic and frequent changes in direction of the reconstruction strategy, the disturbance caused by continuous personnel turnover, waste caused by inefficient contracting practices, and poor integration of efforts by different agencies because of the presence of multiple command structures. The report uses texts, interviews, anecdotes, and facts to explain the successes and failures of the reconstruction efforts in Iraq.

This book can be found in HECSA Library:

Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
DS 79.769 .H37 2009