March 6, 2009

Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention

The conflict over Kosovo has the potential to prompt significant changes in international politics. It has involved major world powers as both agressors and peacekeepers. Regional organizations have been drawn in to the conflict, and many participants have raised this issue to the United Nations . Considerable questions remain surrounding how this conflict can be resolved while enforcing international resolutions, protecting the humanitarian interests of the population, and respecting the sovereignty of the nations involved. This book offers a complex analysis from many perspectives, both those immediately involved in the conflict as well as those futher from it. This case study is framed by discussions of how this situation may have lasting effects on international relations and world politics.

This book can be found in HECSA Library:

Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention: Selective Indignation, Collective Action, and International Citizenship
Edited by Albrecht Schnabel and Ramesh Thakur
DR 2007 .K665 2000