The New American Workplace
James O'Toole and Edward E. Lawler III
HD 6957 .U6 O86 2006
O'Toole and Lawler have collaborated to produce this follow-up analysis to Work In America, which captured the essence of the American work environment three decades ago. Three themes organize this work. First, the authors look at the workplace itself, examining the nature of organizations, the work being done now, and the relationship of employers to employees. Second, the authors look at the effects on and consequences for American workers. This large section addresses the balance between work and life, job satisfaction, pressures to perform, how employees are compensated for work, training, and personal involvement in the workplace and in communities. Third, the authors discuss the future of American work, including decision points. Chapters discuss individuals, organizations, and public policy. This book will be of particular interest to those who do strategic and future planning and those who manage organizational change.