August 20, 2008

Book Review - Rethinking Science, Technology, and Social Change

This book questions and challenges many ideas about the relationships between science, technology, and society. Schroeder begins by stating that many previous scholars have argued that society and its priorities direct scientific discoveries and subsequent technological implementations of them. Schroeder disagrees, arguing instead that science and technological capabilities have a "life" or direction of their own. He asserts that technology, then, has effects on society through its economic consumption and the political ramifications of the power it provides and its regulation. Essentially, this book questions the cause and effect relationship between science and technology on one hand and social organizations and social change on the other. This book is not likely to end this debate, but the discussion should be of interest to everyone involved in scientific or technological pursuits.

This book can be found in HECSA Library:

Rethinking Science, Technology, and Social Change
Ralph Schroeder
Q 175.5 .S2996 2007